About The C-Team Studios:
Locally owned and operated, The C-Team Studios is a full-service website design and website hosting company out of Topeka, Kansas.
Founded in 2001, we specialize in uniquely designed content-management driven websites for small businesses and associations that actually work!
We put you in the driver's seat and empower you to become your own webmaster. Read more >
Give us a call today: (785) 230-9362
Here are a few of our latest blog posts!
Barbara Saldivar Testimonial
My name is Barbara Saldivar, my husband and I founded Christians for Life, who facilitates the Heart of America Memorial Wall for the unborn. It was a C-5 luncheon, yes, and we started talking in I said I had worked for the Department of Heand and Environment, and my...
How to add a code snippet to WordPress
I had a crazy idea to start this blog, then decided to blog about specific code so I can look it up again later. But if you know anything about building websites, valueable time is wasted spent looking for that CSS code snippet, for the third or fourth time for how to...
How to indent bullets in Divi Theme
From time-to-time, I need to look up a 2nd and 3rd time how to do something. It gets frustrating because I don't use it enough and can't remember each time. For example, I use the Divi Theme in my website designs, and by default, Divi doesn't indent the bulleted list....
(Jeff) was able to maintain and manage and even develop our websites so that they were easier to to access and user-friendly. Click here to listen to Greg’s whole testimony.